Smoking helps you in losing weight- one lung at a time. The International Center for Research on Cancer says that Tobacco control is clearly the number one priority in Europe. It has to be Cheap NCAA College Jerseys , as thousands of people quit smoking every day– by dying. No smoker is unaware of these facts and figures. Nicotine Replacement Therapy is designed for those willing to quit smoking but what about those who don’t want to quit?
Now smokers can smoke in a healthy way with e cigarettes. Electronic cigarette is a device that looks much like a traditional cigarette. With an electronic cigarette, instead of puffing on harmful tobacco Cheap NCAA Jerseys Wholesale , the smoker smokes water vapor which is a nicotine mixture. Electronic cigarettes are a friendly replacement of traditional cigarettes.
According to ECCA UK (Electronic Cigarette Consumer Association) there are probably at least 200,000 e cigarette users in the UK and at least 2 million in the USA (the actual number could be much higher)
How Electronic Cigarettes work?
For those new to the concept of electronic cigarette Cheap NCAA Jerseys China , each electronic cigarette comprises of a battery, an atomizer and also a cartridge chamber that contains a small quantity of nicotine and water. When you draw in the electronic cigarette Cheap NCAA Jerseys , a micro switch is operated which heats up the element within the atomizer to produce a realistic smoking sensation. The vapor emits a pleasant aroma which disappears in a few seconds and does not linger like that of traditional cigarette.
Why only Electronic Cigarettes?
A smart smoker will definitely go for electronic cigarettes as an alternate to traditional ones because of the various advantages latched onto them.
* Electronic cigarettes are inflammable in nature and therefore can be smoked anywhere legally. * Electronic cigarette saves the smokers and those around them from the harmful smoke. Scientific and medical consensus is that even secondhand smoke is dangerous. The least it can do is causing asthma attacks in people suffering from asthma. * There is no threat of fire from electronic cigarettes as it has no burning ends. * There are choices for customers as the replacement of electronic cigarettes are available in varying strengths of normal, medium Cheap College Jerseys Wholesale , low and no nicotine. * One electronic cigarette cartridge will provide you with approximately same number of uses as 10 to 12 traditional cigarettes thus cutting down the expense up to 70%.
Electronic cigarettes are by all means a good option and product to invest on. Enjoy economic, risk free smoking with electronic cigarettes. There are many companies providing electric cigarette starter kit and electronic cigarettes and as per your demands and needs. With electronic cigarettes Cheap College Jerseys China , you need not go through the unsettling experience which comes with quitting cigarette. Go for risk free smoking with electronic cigarettes.
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