We need to foster a free and open environment for trade andinvestment Adidas Superstar Mesh Zwart Goedkoop , and gear up innovation cooperation. Innovation of ourage is open in nature. Trade liberalization and investmentfacilitation are as important to innovation as fresh air is tohuman beings. China and Germany have both contributed to andbenefited from economic globalization. We both stand for freetrade. China has always approached trade issues from an overall andlong-term perspective. China has a long-standing trade deficit inboth goods and services with Germany, and we hope to see morebalanced trade between the two countries. Yet, we don't think thisshall be achieved through trade protectionism. Rather, we shouldexpand our trade by opening our markets to each other, and addressthe issue of trade imbalance in the course of development. Weencourage more imports of quality German goods and welcome Germaninvestment in China. We want to promote mutual openness on an equalfooting with Germany and all other EU members and create a morefriendly and fair environment for bilateral cooperation oninnovation. We also hope that Germany and other EU members willloosen restrictions on high-tech exports to China Adidas Superstar 2 Zwart Wit G50965 Goedkoop , and provideChinese companies with equal treatment in investment review andgreater visa facilitation.
We need to strengthen policy support to boost China-Germanyinnovation cooperation. The flame of innovation needs to be fueledby sound policies. China stands ready to work with Germany toconsolidate diplomatic, economic, industrial and scientificresources, step up input from public sources and improve bilateralfunding mechanisms. The China Development Bank will launch thesecond phase of the special loan scheme for Chinese and GermanSMEs. China supports innovation entities from both countries inforging alliances on smart manufacturing, scientific andtechnological innovation and vocational education. We should deepencultural and people-to-people exchanges by encouraging interactionsbetween our students and young scientists Adidas Superstar W Leather Wit Power Rood Ba7585 Goedkoop , implementing the internexchange program and ensuring the success of the first youthinnovation and entrepreneurship week. In the process of innovationcooperation, China strictly protects IPRs of enterprises and doesnot require compulsory transfer of technology. We welcome Germancompanies to explore business opportunities in China's new energyvehicle market. Cooperation in third countries is an important areaof China-Germany innovation cooperation. Our joint training programfor mining professionals in Afghanistan can offer useful experiencefor our cooperation in Africa and other developing countries.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Now, let me give an update on the Chinese economy, which may beof interest to you. This year Dames Adidas Superstar Wit Power Rood BB0532 Goedkoop , the Chinese economy has postedstable performance and moved in a positive direction, with majoreconomic indicators surpassing expectations. In the first quarterof this year, China's GDP expanded by 6.9 percent. In the firstfour months, fiscal revenue increased by 11.8 percent, the fastestgrowth in the same period since 2013. Corporate profits in theindustrial sector rose by 24.4 percent Adidas Superstar W Dames Wit Rood Goedkoop , reflecting greaterefficiency in economic growth. In particular, employment issteadily rising. A total of 4.65 million new jobs were created inthe cities, and the surveyed unemployment rate of major cities wasaround 5 percent in April. Economic indicators such as cargovolume, electricity generation, and port throughput continued toincrease in May. For 10 months in a row Adidas Heren Superstar Skate Zwart Goedkoop , PMI has stood above the50-point mark indicating economic expansion. Most notably, PMI ofsmall manufacturing companies has increased for the thirdconsecutive month, which is a sign of continued improvement in theperformance of traditional drivers.
New technologies, industries, businesses and models arethriving. High-tech and service industries continue to outperformgeneral industries in growth. The non-manufacturing businessactivity index is approaching a three-year high. Online retailsales of goods and services have increased by over 30 percentyear-on-year. All these encouraging changes in the Chinese economyhave been the result of deepened reform and innovation Adidas Heren Superstar Skate Groen Goedkoop , especiallymajor progress in advancing supply-side structural reform.
We have readjusted macro regulation in an innovative way.Despite downward economic pressure, the Chinese government did notresort to massive stimulus measures, but relied on reform andinnovation to stabilize growth, restructure the economy and fendoff risks. We have maintained the continuity and consistency of ourmacro-control policies, and continued to pursue a proactive fiscalpolicy and prudent monetary policy. The fiscal deficit ratio hasbeen kept below 3 percent. The government debt-to-GDP ratio lastyear was 36.7 percent Adidas superstar pharrell supershell Heren Goedkoop , lower than the 60 percent alarm level of theEU and among the lowest in the world's major economies. Moreover,it has been kept stable over the last two years. As for localgovernment debts, they are mostly used to support investment inpublic projects. These are asset-backed debts with sound guaranteefor repayment. The risks are by and large under control.